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Imposter Syndrome

"The truth is, everyone is winging it" — Charlie Mackesy

Humans have a real-time responsive intelligence upon which we can rely.

Every year, the incoming class at Stanford Business School is asked: "How many of you in here feel that you are the one mistake that the admissions committee made?" Every year, two-thirds of the class immediately raises their hands.

I think that’s mostly because people don’t really understand how stuff gets created.

Just look at what we have created and not only the “big” stuff. Where we live, relationships, daily activities, etc. All that was made up. It’s like the warmer/colder game. We took a step in a direction and then took the next step. A lot of times we took a less-than-optimal step.

This is awesome because there’s no limit to what we can create and there’s no being a fraud because it’s just how humans work.